Voucher Welcome to our voucher World! Are you looking for a perfect present? You are absolutely right! Create your own special voucher for your loved ones. You can easily choose between 3 different selections: restaurant, hotel or wellness. Order voucher Welcome to the Voucher World from our hotel! You can easily select 3 different types of vouchers: restaurant, wellness and hotel!Next, you write the value of the vouchers in the column. Then you can add a private message for your loved ones. Have fun creating your own voucher! Name and surname Your E-Mail address Street and nr. Postal code and city Telephone number Selection voucher Restaurant Wellness Hotel Value of voucher Personal message *Disclaimer*This is a binding request. We take care of your personal data. You will recieve an E -Mail with the bill and the following bank account number. After recieving the invoice amount, you will get a notification that your order is on it's way! If you have any problems, please contact us via E-Mail! hotel@hotelpritz.at